The personality of JESUS THE TRUTH
Jesus is the Truth who declared in flesh that I and the Father are ONE John 10:30,17:22
A question arises: What made JESUS ARRIVE AT THIS CONCLUSION "I and the Father are one"?
         I think giving the man who made that statement a wonderful check for validity would teach us HIS ways and would grow us to make same statements as HE did.

Lets have a survey at the life of Jesus

JOHN 3:1-5
        Nicodemus came at night to meet Jesus and the conversation went on like this; Master I've seen  the miracles you perform and without a doubt they are from GOD,
 You are from GOD, looking at the reply of JESUS it was  not in  line with what Nicodemus was saying in any way
and JESUS replied
"except a man be born again he cannot enter the KINGDOM OF GOD."

Alright at this moment what is the relationship?
           Jesus knew the heart of Nicodemus and HE knew that Nicodemus was curious about what made HIM; JESUS perform those signs and wonders and straight away HE answered Nicodemus "YOU MUST BE BORN AGAIN"
I think Nicodemus did not capture the whole question because performing miracles was one of the least things JESUS did.
HE had a wisdom that no one could fathom and as a matter of fact at the age of twelve HIS wisdom beat that of the doctors of the law, but all these HE did had one answer "YOU MUST BE BORN AGAIN"
Of a truth this blew Nicodemus mind off, and his like; do you mean i should go back to my mother's womb and WISE JESUS replied "except a man be born of WATER AND  OF THE SPIRIT HE CANNOT ENTER THE KINGDOM OF GOD"


             To be born of WATER is to be born of the WATER OF THE WORD OF GOD as in Ephesians 5:26
 "That he might sanctify and cleanse it with the washing of water by the word"

There is a cleansing that comes by the WORD of GOD as a matter of fact JESUS said in the book of John 17:17 " Sanctify them through thy truth: thy word is truth."

         Let's have a look at this passage of the scripture John 1:12-13
"But as many as received him, to them gave he power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on his name: Which were born, not of blood, nor of the will of the flesh, nor of the will of man, but of God."
     From here we see that BELIEVING ON HIS NAME was and is still what is needed to be born of THE SPIRIT. This changes your birth to the SPIRIT - BELIEVING
      These are the requirements to being like JESUS in this world - to walk in HIS wisdom, to walk in HIS dominion this is all it takes and it is very simple,like the Apostle Paul said in the book of Romans 10:8-10

"But what saith it? The word is nigh thee, even in thy mouth, and in thy heart: that is, the word of faith, which we preach; That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved. For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation."
     At this point the WORD of GOD is neigh us so why waste any more time if you know deep down on the inside of you, you need to be like JESUS, you need HIM and you know that all you've been doing does not speak of HIM you could say this prayer

"Dear JESUS, am sorry for all the days I lived without being like you and without carrying your KINGDOM (The Holy Spirit). Pls Father,I ask that you forgive me,I come to you as a child forgive all my wrong doings and accept me as yours that I might be the JESUS of this generation carrying your KINGDOM (The Holy Spirit) in the flesh and making you proud just as JESUS did while on Earth. Thanks Father for accepting me into your KINGDOM and thank you because this day I receive the very life of JESUS CHRIST to be like HIM on Earth. Thank you LORD JESUS"


  1. This is the truth we all need to withstand the taste of time we need the strength of salvation which is through the personal knowledge of Jesus. Have JESUS and know HIM and you would have no other option but to live HIM

  2. God bless you ma'am for such division of the word of truth, more grace lady!


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