The scientist would tell you of the levels of knowledge and to her there are
And ask them of the levels of facts and this becomes the answer

Then another question arises what does the unknown space speak of ?
The technologist would give you a hypothesis, the scientist would give you a theory, the Priest would give you a law and the artist would give you an idea.

             Who speaks of the empty space and what it represents ?
It represents the ultimate form of knowledge THE TRUTH which was not found in the law neither was it found with the artist nor with the technologist not even the scientist had a clue of the truth and here is the new image

Jesus speaking in the book of John 8:32 "And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free." (KJV)
              The new question arises who is THE TRUTH ?
Referring back to scriptures in the book of John 14:6 "Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me."(KJV)
            JESUS is the truth and freedom is in the truth.
Lets have a look at the bodies of knowledge the five has to provide
     Hypothesis: the dictionary defines it to be something believed to be truth for the purpose of an argument or investigation.
     Law:  This is a whole system or a set of rules that governs a state.
     Theory: A set of ideas that is intended to explain facts or events
      Idea:  A thought, plan or idea on what to do.
Another question arises, what has all these knowledge body have to offer us ?

First the Hypothesis could be wrong or right if it is wrong then it is discarded, if it is right then it is accepted and it further treated and accepted by the scientist as a theory and if this is further treated and accepted it is taken to be a scientific law.
Second the idea could work out would be known as huge success else it would be a massive failure
Thirdly the law; this is what the Priest makes out of the commandment given them by GOD making relationship with GOD impossible by all means as in Luke 11:52.
Coming to THE TRUTH JESUS is the truth that sets free and HE is the LIVING WORD OF GOD John 1:14.The aftermath of having THE TRUTH is freedom on all sides John 8:32


  1. Am touched.may God bless you radically with more wisdom.Amen

    1. thanks Grace all glory to GOD

    2. Your intelligence in the word is remarkable! Keep going!

    3. thanks alot maam am blessed all glory to GOD


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