The Woman Of Excellency

A woman of excellency who can find ?
In this world that lacks a sense of value
Who talks about virtue ?
In a world of non-reputable character
Who can stand for a good character ?
Much more a godly one
In a world where arrogance is everyone's topmost priority
In a world where no one pays attention to character building
In a world where no one pays attention to material wealth
Who digs deep to build a reputable character
Who searches low to find the true virtue and build on it?
Who has the time to make the moral man beautiful
In a world where everyone does not
The virtuous woman does
The excellent woman would
And this beautiful woman refuses to give up
Please who is this that has broken the world's record?
Who is she that remembers to get on her knees to rise?
Who is this that forgets not her husband and
works as though she has none?
Who is she that works to maintain the pride of her husband?
She is the excellent woman I am talking of
She is the virtuous woman am talking of
And this is the beautiful woman I am talking of
Her family dresses like royalty even in the world's financial uproar
She is to her husband a place of trust and great confidence
A woman of moral beauty, facial beauty , strong character
And with all these beautiful qualities of hers, her husband still trusts her
Because she has a sense of her own and loves her own like no other
She is a loving crown to her husband and not a rot to his bones
She is so loving and she makes home home for him
He always cherishes running back home from work because
He knows in her company a greater version of him is found
Despite the mischievous hood of men in the society she always knows her stand


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