Continuation of the covenant

This was and still is the greatest and best gift Abraham would have thought of receiving at that point in time.

* Exchange of weapons:
        From Genesis 15:1 " ....Fear not, Abram I am thy shield and thy exceeding great reward".  This was the greatest exchange of weapons ever prior to the New Testament. The Lord God of Host could not have collected any arm from Abraham because He was and still is God by Himself and literally needs no weapon of warfare.
Looking at Abraham, God surrounded him all by Himself and was the glory in the midst of her Zechariah 2:5, for this sake Abraham could easily go to any part of the World  and obtain favor
 Psalm 5:12. With this Abraham had the seal of authority of the owner of the whole World. I suppose this was the reason for his great wealth.

* Exchange of garments:
       Permit me to say that the exchange of garments has to do with the change of identity. when God asked Abraham to leave his country and kindred and father's house, to a land He would show him. He was changing his garments, changing his identity. In his father's land they were idolaterers. So him leaving his father's house and kindred was a change of garment setting him up for the miraculous.

* Exchange of  authority:
      When God told Abraham in the book of Genesis 15:1 " I am thy shield and exceeding great reward" He was promising Abraham that He would be all around Him and never leave him. God was giving him what I would call more than authority, God was literally giving him Himself which is worth more than authority. And this was the victory arm of Abraham GOD WAS WITH HIM AND ALL AROUND HIM.


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