
Showing posts from November, 2015


     LET THE SKY REMIND YOU OF HOW MUCH HE LOVES YOU         The sky does not change,shift,fall or even stumble. It is a heavenly constant. Though the sky brings the rain, the snow, the storm, the scorching sun, the sweet spring breeze. It does not change, it ever remains the sky.        The father’s love is constant, through the storm, the winter, the good and bad times, it is still constant. Looking at the story of Joseph, the father so much loved him that he sew a coat of many colors for him. What could the coat mean ? What of the “many” colors accomplishing the coat ? THE COAT         The coat is a superior especially in those days it was made for Joseph, the coat was a unique outfit coupled with the fact that it protects from cold. So it was a wise master piece from the loving heart of the father to a beloved son. Similarly to us Christians and God, God has given us the best coat that the whole World in it’s entirety cannot purchase and that  is the “coat of righte

Woman of Excellency 2

What a loving woman of reputable character she is!!! Her loving companion is to him as though The whole heaven has come down to his earth He ever cherishes being with her Although they say she is not perfect he never prays to have a more perfect her But rather thanks God for the beautiful damsel hanging all around him And she would ever be his policewoman Her greatest joy is that her family looks gorgeous From the inside out and she enjoys without a doubt Making the best trip for her family and with her family She is just perfect in bringing out the best in every member of her household And at her work she is as diligent as her husband That she has enough money to spearhead the family even in his absence Such a gorgeous woman of reputable character! What a lovely woman, on her knees she sets the day Ablaze for every member of her family and more so She does the most essential planning and even helps to spearhead The plan of her lovely son, her gorgeous daughter and mor

The Woman Of Excellency

A woman of excellency who can find ? In this world that lacks a sense of value Who talks about virtue ? In a world of non-reputable character Who can stand for a good character ? Much more a godly one In a world where arrogance is everyone's topmost priority In a world where no one pays attention to character building In a world where no one pays attention to material wealth Who digs deep to build a reputable character Who searches low to find the true virtue and build on it? Who has the time to make the moral man beautiful In a world where everyone does not The virtuous woman does The excellent woman would And this beautiful woman refuses to give up Please who is this that has broken the world's record? Who is she that remembers to get on her knees to rise? Who is this that forgets not her husband and works as though she has none? Who is she that works to maintain the pride of her husband? She is the excellent woman I am talking of She is the virtuous wom

The Covenant of Redemption

As we've studied together what happens whenever a covenant was cut in the Hebrew culture,this would be like a continuation of the Covenant. Looking intently at the New Testament ( the Greek word for covenant ), we see that covenant was cut between man and God through JESUS.         Knowing fully that while JESUS was on earth He was 100% man as much as He was 100% God ” ... For in him dwells all the fullness of the Godhead bodily ... “ (Colossians 2: 9 - AKJV).  So when Jesus’s body was torn by the soldiers, the covenant was being enacted between God and man. Looking at the five things that happen at this covenant as it pertains to us believers  • Change of names:          “Behold, what manner of love the Father has bestowed on us, that we should be called the sons of God ... “  (1 John 3: 1 - AKJV) We are now called sons of God, having our origin and essence from God.  “For which things' sake the wrath of God comes on the children of disobedience ... “ (Co


Addicted Am forever addicted to HIS loving Presence Am forever addicted to staying there Am ever addicted to the light He shone on ma face Which translates to laughter Am ever addicted to the rose He kept bubbling in ma heart Am forever addicted to the sweet perfume of His presence Addicted yes I am to worshipping Him In these addictions I find greatness In these addictions I find the best of Life in the foolishness of men but the wisdom of God In these addiction I found ma self smiling even when one made a joke In these addictions I struggle not But rather I Love more and trust more I am proudly addicted and yet have the best that life can offer not that I deserve them all but that HE LOVES ME MORE Each day I open the scriptures the addictions become stronger Each day I sing His PRAISES it is as tho Am lost in His presence and the addiction becoming The stench I get from Loving and resting there I love HIM HIS PRESENCE HIS AFTERMATH I LOVE THIS I LOVE BEING
Continuation of the covenant This was and still is the greatest and best gift Abraham would have thought of receiving at that point in time. 
 * Exchange of weapons:         From Genesis 15:1 " ....Fear not, Abram I am thy shield and thy exceeding great reward".  This was the greatest exchange of weapons ever prior to the New Testament. The Lord God of Host could not have collected any arm from Abraham because He was and still is God by Himself and literally needs no weapon of warfare. Looking at Abraham, God surrounded him all by Himself and was the glory in the midst of her Zechariah 2:5, for this sake Abraham could easily go to any part of the World  and obtain favor  Psalm 5:12. With this Abraham had the seal of authority of the owner of the whole World. I suppose this was the reason for his great wealth. 
 * Exchange of garments:        Permit me to say that the exchange of garments has to do with the change of identity. when God asked Abraham to leave his coun

The Covenant

The word covenant was first of all used in the Hebrew context from Scriptures where it means "to cut covenant" (bri't) in the Hebrew. As the name implies means that blood was spilled i.e the flesh was cut. Looking at the very first place it was shown significantly as Genesis 15 the story of God and Abraham, the reason for this was because of His righteousness this brings us toa conclusion that God cuts covenant with a righteous man.         Looking at the Hebrews five things happen when covenant is cut and they are *  Change of names * Exchange of gifts * Exchange of weapons * Exchange of garments * Exchange of authority Whenever covenant was cut the weaker party of the covenant carries a torch of fire abt the sacrifice to seal it and to stand strong for the covenant. Now all these happened when God cut covenant with Abraham, looking again at verse 6 of chapter 15 "Ans he believed The Lord; and He counted it to him for righteousness" . The covenant was e