The real me

The real me

The real me is you
The real me is in knowing you
The real me is in getting drenched in your presence
The real me is in loving your ways and the brethren

The real me is not the clothes I wear
The real me is not the cars I don’t have and neither ones I have
The real me is Christ
Cause it is no longer I that lives but Christ that lives in me

I no longer exist because
He has taken the lead and dominated
But much more I live in Him
Existing not as me but as Him

Though not an impersonation
But a transformation ………….
The more I search the more beautiful I look
Because the light from His presence fills me with great AWE

The more I look the more I see the real me
because there was an exchange
The best of me is the whole of you
And the real me is in being you


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