Father Eagle’s teaching @ CU’S 13th birthday

*Engaging the power of absolute dependency on God which is the secret of her outstanding success*

Everything produces after it's source if the Most High is our source than we have not her option to be higher than others.

Anytime you are looking unto man never claim you are looking unto God

Faith in God is either absolute or is fake

Giants of faith are made by total dependency on God.

Every child of God is a seed of Abraham

Absolute dependency on God is the platform for the rise of giants

There is a God in heaven that's reveals

I am what I am by the Grace of God

Whatever God cannot do let it remain undone in my life

If God cannot build it who can run it

We enjoy the mystery of total dependency on God this multibillion institution is not indebted to any man living or dead

The law of absolute dependency on God turns a dummy to a King

Wherever God cannot take me lemme not get there

@ 61 I had no pressure and still have no pressures whatsoever
There is nothing that makes grade than absolute dependency

How strong you are does not guarantee your victory, better depend on God

Absolute trust in God = No dry season

Trusting in God makes your life a dry-free season life

We’ve never known a dry season, there is no economic issue in this nation that has ever affected us once.

Trusting in The Lord makes the Future brighter

Confidence in God makes one more than a conqueror

Whatever the mouth of God has said it takes the hands to build it

I trust in God who never fails and loses a battle

Absolute trust in God is the platform for the rise of giants

Absolute trust in God enlarges our authority

Those who trust in God know no failure

Those who truly trust in God know no fear

We are ever conscious to God’s ever abiding Presence

Commit to growing in the knowledge of the WORD

We must commit to the act of meditating on the WORD OF GOD where the secret of God is revealed

Separate yourself to reason

We must keep growing in fresh oil to keep our confidence in God going

By God the University was built in 7 months


Trusting in The Lord is key to fulfilling your glorious destiny

Christianity is not in being in Church it is being in Christ

This is an academy of life (CU), where  you are taught how to be a living wonder among men.

Please trust in Him, Don't share in His glory

Wherever God is, is no forest

God prophecies from a Prophet

My being a part of it (vision 1 of 10 in 10) is merely a privilege

Congratulations to  Covenant University for her emerging among one of the ten best Universities in the World long before 2022.

Quotes from a loving Father (Father Eagle) during CU’S 13th birthday


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