Have you ever wondered why
The Sun shines and nothing displaces its position
Have ever wondered that
No matter how much the moon
Tries the shine it can never outshine the Sun

Have you ever sat down to imagine how many galaxies they are
With the beautifully decorated star all around them
Have you ever wondered why and how the earth rotates round the axis and never displaces
Have you ever thought what has kept all this in place

Come back what to yourself
How did you make it through all the challenges?
You overcame? How did you do it?
Honestly recalling every single situation
 Of a truth you did nothing to deserve all these coming your way

Or have you thought
Are you better of than those that died in a bomb blast?
What has cursed your mouth to cease praises to GOD that loves you generously
Have you ever thought?
Does my spouse know the number of hair i got on my body?
But there is a GOD that knows and HE has been the one responsible for your protection

Have you ever thought about showing LOVE to that same GOD
That for the sake of LOVE
Gave up HIS only SON
Oh! You don't know
HE is a personality! In the person of the HOLY GHOST

Oh! Yes He does have a personality
Yes! He does
For Him to Love you shows thus
YES HE LOVES YOU IS A KNOWN FACT and you claim you love HIM
Is another known fact

I have a question for you Oh! Lover
How have you showed your love?
Through your worship? 
We all think that worship is just that moment in Church
Where the slow songs are sang with depths of emotions

Worship literally means PLEASURE
Is your life as a child of GOD depicting pleasure to GOD
If so this is where the LOVE OF GOD is manifested
In pleasure to the Father

Else hold on a bit and talk to your Father
Then conciously live to HIS pleasure
JESUS LOVES YOU, have you shown your love to JESUS ?
You who claims to love JESUS


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