GET YOUR EYES AFIXED

Matthew 6:33
              “ But seek (aim at and strive after) first of all His Kingdom and His righteousness (His way of doing and being right), and then all these things taken together will be given you besides” (AMP)

Hebrews 12:2
                “ Looking away (from all that will distract), looking unto JESUS who is the leader and the source of our faith (giving the first incentive for our belief) and is also it's finisher (bringing it to maturity and perfection).”

Colossians 3:1-2
                 “ If then you have been raised with Christ (to a new life, thus sharing His resurrection from the dead) aim at and seek the (rich, eternal treasures) that are above where Christ is seated at the right hand of God. And set your minds and keep them set on what is above (the higher things), not on the things that are on earth” (AMP)

The authentic aim of the devil is to shift our focus from Christ to other things ranging from seemingly spiritual to the entirely carnal.
When these happens, there is a shift, from scriptural law what you look at, you are accustomed to be; as in 2Corinthians 3:18. So when we constantly look at Christ we become more like him.
And it is at this point that we have true and pure Christianity being plucked to the source being Christ. At this point all the virtues flow and this is when 2Peter 1:3 becomes a reality
“ For His divine power (the Holy Ghost) has bestowed(gratuitously) (so if our connection to the source fails this promise fails in our life) upon us all things that (requisite and suited) to life and godliness, through the (full,personal) knowledge of God and of JESUS our Lord”
So the first pre-requisite to getting all things that pertain life and godliness is first our relationship with the Holy Ghost which fosters our personal knowledge of God, so essentially it is our relationship with the Holy Ghost. What fosters this if not looking unto Jesus?

Having the Holy Ghost and not looking unto Jesus, something happens and that is we loose focus and are not found in the of fellowship with Jesus (the Holy Ghost).
Some time in my life I was getting so acquainted with the Holy Ghost that I was speaking to God as a friend speaks to a friend. One day on talking with God, the devil tried distracting, God told me never to give my attention to him because he is not worth it.
I was becoming so acquainted with spiritual orchestrations that I sensed so literally what was going on in my life. I started shifting my focus off God to finding what was going on in the spiritual realm. Now this seemed so spiritual but as spiritual as this seemed it was shifting my focus off Christ to pursuing what was happening in my life and during those days my bible study reduced likewise my prayers. What do you think the devil used what seemed spiritual to shift my focus off Christ. He came ordinarily I chased him now coming in seemingly spiritual way seemed so easy but thanks to Jesus who saved me and gave me my focus back.
Dear, be wise as God has given us a sound mind we have the mind of Christ 1Corinthians 2:16, 2Timothy 1:7, it is of utmost importance that we remain affixed to Christ Jesus no matter the storm, the situation or the joy let your eyes remained affixed to CHRIST JESUS.
Don't let anything strip you off your true inheritance in Christ Jesus. Enjoy Christianity with your eyes affixed to Jesus Christ Hebrews 12:2


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