WAS THE CROSS ACTUALLY PAINFUL? As a child, watching the passion of Christ always painted a picture of how JESUS was flogged and how He carried the cross drenched in His blood, but the real question has always been was the strokes and the carrying of the cross the most painful part of the Cross to Jesus? Through the help of the Holy Ghost and study of the scriptures has made me realise that the most painful part of the cross was not the strokes and neither was the cross HE carried, the most painful part of the death of JESUS was HIS seperation from HIS father to become sin. (John 10:30) From the book of Matthew 26:36 - 40 I would love to highlight some points; Sit ye here, while I go and pray yonder. (36b) My soul is exceeding sorrowful, even unto death: tarry ye here, and watch with me. (38) Jesus was going to pray to intercede for the entire world he was going to become sin, to carry the sin of the whole world!!! Imagine this, if a man's sin could take him to he...