

WAS THE CROSS ACTUALLY PAINFUL? As a child, watching the passion of Christ always painted a picture of how JESUS was flogged and how He carried the cross drenched in His blood, but the real question has always been was the strokes and the carrying of the cross the most painful part of the Cross to Jesus? Through the help of the Holy Ghost and study of the scriptures has made me realise that the most painful part of the cross was not the strokes and neither was the cross HE carried, the most painful part of the death of JESUS was HIS seperation from HIS father to become sin. (John 10:30)   From the book of Matthew 26:36 - 40 I would love to highlight some points; Sit ye here, while I go and pray yonder. (36b) My soul is exceeding sorrowful, even unto death: tarry ye here, and watch with me. (38) Jesus was going to pray to intercede for the entire world he was going to become sin, to carry the sin of the whole world!!! Imagine this, if a man's sin could take him to he...


Who has ever thought that redemption is free of Charge? Or who has ever thought that our enemy the devil would watch us enjoy the riches of the Kingdom of God free of charge? Oh Yes! Redemption is free because someone paid the price and we have the legal right to the riches of the Kingdom of God because of the same price that was paid. What was the Price?  The price was the blood of Jesus which was by the death of Jesus, because there is no forgiveness of sin without the shedding of blood Hebrews 9:22 So the death of Jesus was the price tag on our redemption! Another question arises, how come Jesus can pay the Price? Was He not God? Did he have to pay the Price? Yes Jesus was God John 10:30 but He bore our sins as a man and not as God, all the miracles He performed, he performed them as man and that was why He had to fast to be endued with power Luke 4:1, Acts 1:8. And that explains why Jesus lived a life of godliness and was announced to be the son of God in godliness as...


Thanks a lot for studying the previous post, God bless you. This is a continuation of the previous post tagged       THE HOLY GHOST OUR FIRST LOVE Before we continue I would love us to look at what brought us the gift of our first LOVE and how HE was brought about. In the old days before the coming of Christ, the Holy Ghost never resided in man due to the fact that man died at Eden and that death reigned in man. God being so merciful sought for a way to restore this HIS precious gift to man and that way was taking man to his initial state before the fall. And the only way GOD attained this was through JESUS, by making JESUS sin so that he can avert the curse of sin that was on man and that became the assignment of JESUS as from the scriptures in    John 10:10       "The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy: I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly." Here J...


       Thanks alot my dearly esteemed reader, this post is a continuation of the previous post in fellowship with Jesus part 5. Setting our minds back to the creation of the world, after God created the world by the words of His mouth and man he made. God himself said in the book of Genesis 2:18 that it was not good that man be alone, then he made man a "helper" and immediately man saw her, he called her the bone of my bones and the flesh of my flesh as in Gen 2:23 "And Adam said, This is now bone of my bones, and flesh of my flesh" And from there God made the grand rule in verse 24 "Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife: and they shall be one flesh." And He gave man the golden rule for sustaining his new found Union. In verse 25 "And they were both naked, the man and his wife, and were not ashamed" They both have to be naked in sincerity and in truth, nothing should be kept hidden. And ...


DEFINNING OUR VALUE SYSTEM AS CHRISTIANS    As previously stated in part 4; that we Christians are people of value and substance. Then another question arises what does the above question mean? It simply means that we are a people made in the image of GOD, who carries that thing that makes GOD who HE is (GOD) and that is the SPIRIT of the ALMIGHTY. So simply put our SUBSTANCE IS IN THE SPIRIT OF GOD ON THE INSIDE OF US. Little wonder JESUS told us in Matt 5:13 " Ye are the salt of the earth: but if the salt have lost his savour, wherewith shall it be salted? it is thenceforth good for nothing, but to be cast out, and to be trodden under foot of men. " So our salt element from this SCRIPTURE is the HOLY GHOST and there is every evidence that we can loose HIM "...but if the salt have lost his savour..."  WHAT DOES THIS IMPLY?  WE MUST KEEP THE HOLY GHOST IN US AND CHERISH HIM  WITH ALL WE HAVE IF WE DO NOT WANT TO LOOSE OUR SAVOUR "salt element...


BUILDING YOUR VALUE SYSTEM AS A CHRISTIAN The first question that should come to your mind is  WHAT IS VALUE?  WHAT IS A SYSTEM?  According to late Dr. Myles Munroe value is anything you value A system is a set down rule(s) or guideline(s) geared towards attaining a goal Then a value system would be set down rule or guideline to whatever we value to attain a goal. As Christians the definition now becomes this  Value System is a set of biblical guideline(s) aimed at becoming like JESUS in every sphere of life Rom 8:29, 2 nd Cor 3:18. I would love to let us know that we CHRISTIANS are people of substance, people of virtue just as GOD in HIS imag e is Gen 1:26, but blindness has become the order of the day that a believer begins to look outside the household of faith to find solutions to her problems. It should please be noted that we CHRISTIANS are people of TIMBER AND CALIBER fearfully made in the image of GOD to look at issues i...


HOW TO BUILD A REPUTABLE CHARACTER JUST AS JESUS    First of all I would love to start by clearing the air on what reputable character is ? Reputable means having a good reputation and we all know as christians there is nothing as reputable as living based on the LIVING WORD OF GOD (Heb 11:39a "And these all, having obtained a good report through faith ...") Character means having your yes to be yes and your no to be no from Matt 5:37. Another question arises would you just say yes to whatever comes and no to whatever comes just like that ?  The answer emphatically is NO!!! Then what are you to say YES and NO to ? Jesus was simply saying that we should have a value system that is based on the LIVING WORD OF GOD and stand by it at all times even in trying circumstances and so on. For instance as a married man who found from scriptures you are meant to be loyal to your wife and keeping your marriage bed pure and undefiled (Heb 13:4) and also knowing from the...